— OUR —
Native Acres

We are The Haley, Lippoldt and Walker Families and we are Native Acres Meat Co. Three families that have been best friends for over a decade. We have all been accustomed to enjoying ranch raised beef our entire lives, but once we started sharing with co-workers, friends and classmates we came to realize that was not the case for the majority of people. Native Acres was formed to bring this special (and yummy) treat to every family, so you can walk to your freezer and pull out fresh ranch raised beef from Native Acres and know exactly where your meat comes from…no matter where you live.

Our Team

Josh and Jacy Lippoldt
Hi we're the Lippoldts! Josh and I are both 5th generation farmers. I grew up in Northwest, Arkansas where I was involved on my family's cow/calf and poultry operation. Knowing that I wanted to go to an agricultural college, I made the four hour track to Stillwater, Oklahoma, where I met Josh the very first week of being an Oklahoma State Cowboy! We became fast friends, I did all his homework 😉 and after about three years he finally talked me into dating him. I am sure glad he did! I have now been a farm wife for over 4 years and have loved every second of getting to work next to my best friend every day. In May of 2021 we welcomed our first son, Rance into the family.
During the day I work in sales for a beer company (cheers!), and our nights and weekends are spent at the farm. I'm a lover of a good gin & soda and a perfectly grilled medium rare filet. We spend many of our date nights on the tractor and I love cooking for the crew during the busy seasons to keep them fed and happy! Josh is a banker by day, but he is happiest when he is one of two places: running the combine during wheat harvest or looking through stocker cattle on wheat pasture. He's a big fan of a good wheat ale, Blue Moon to be exact, and his last meal would be a Medium Rare Strip Steak or my Hot Roast Beef Open Faced Sandwich. (Isn't he cute?)
We help operate our family farm: Lippoldt Farms & Cattle in Kingfisher County, Oklahoma. We live in the land of red dirt, where the wind is constant and wheat pasture is king. We run a commercial cow/calf operation on grassland and during the fall we are busy planting our acres to winter wheat. We generally purchase weaned calves from ranches throughout the country to graze the wheat pasture and come June we harvest the wheat to sell to the local co-op, keeping enough seed wheat to plant again the following year. There is never a dull moment around here and we can't wait to show you around our #nativeacres!

John and Kelsey Haley
Hello, from the Haleys! We are excited to carry on the legacy of 5th generation of farmers and ranchers before us.
I grew up in a small town in Kingfisher County Oklahoma (where the Lippoldts are from) loving everything Agriculture (FFA), basketball, and Oklahoma State. Growing up, my siblings and I enjoyed showing both heifers and pigs, and I invested in my first cow/calf operation (a small herd of 6). I attended Oklahoma State University (Go Pokes), where my husband John put on the best sales pitch of his life to entice this Oklahoma girl to move west. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and traded in the red dirt and vast wheat pasture for rolling river breaks, native grassland, and a few cottonwood trees.
John grew up in the Texas panhandle playing football and ranching with his family (and the Walker Family), a long line of Texas ranchers. John graduated from OSU with a degree in Animal Science and then attended the TCU Ranch Management Program in Fort Worth to further his understanding of agriculture and ranching economics.
As a rancher, John spends a lot of time horseback and enjoys the land and rotational management of a family commercial operation. Today, John spends his day working as a banker, and I work at the county hospital in our hometown. We enjoy spending evenings, weekends, and even our vacation days from the bank/hospital, on the ranch, managing the breeding, health, and rotational grazing programs on the family ranches. One of our favorite downtime passions is driving around the ranch (with a cocktail in hand), watching the seasons change, and admiring how much a great rain from Mother Nature can change the landscape to a lush prairie.
Similar to Jacy, I love a good gin and soda (with lime, of course) and always have my filet cooked medium rare. John is a big fan of a 2 inch ribeye medium rare, reverse sear and a bourbon on ice or a cold Lone Star Beer. The Haley family manages a Red Angus cow/calf operation and heifer development program on the ranches in the heart of the Texas panhandle. As they say, I have come to learn that everything is bigger in Texas!

Chance Walker
Bio coming soon…currently gathering cattle, doing leather work and riding his favorite horse, Fancy.

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